Vitro cem band cement

It is Glass Ionomer Band Cement.Used in cementation of inlays, onlays, crowns, metal bridges, endodontic pins, orthodontic bands and other linings.It is a liner and base.
- Low solubility
- Biocompatible
- Minimum film thickness
- Excellent adhesion o tooth structure
- Highly resistant to tooth compression
- Radio opaque due to strontium action
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Light Cure band cement

Light Cure Band Cement can be used to bond other orthodontic appliances using normal etching and sealing procedures.
It is a composite no-mix, no-mess cement, with fluoride ion release, conveniently preloaded in syringes.
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Ortho Vita Light Cure

Light cure orthodontic bracket adhesive offers the most favorable properties for bonding brackets. Tooth colored adhesive provides high bond strength with quick set time and low solubility and excellent handling characteristics.
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Rely a bond Products

Self Cure Adhesive
It is formulated with a highly filled paste that combines with a unique primer to produce bond strength to etched enamel that virtually eliminates bonding failures. The proprietary catalyst in the primer insures that the material reaches maximum bonding strength within five minutes.
- Flouride releasing tacky viscosity – The paste flows onto the bracket pad and spreads evenly under the pad upon placement
- No wasteful mixing – the one paste bonding system sets on contact and so no mixing is required.
- Bonds metal, plastic & Porcelain brackets – It is a specially formulated adhesive which bonds metal and porcelain brackets. It also bonds all types of plastic brackets without use of an additional plastic conditioner.
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Light Bond Adhesive
It is a light cure sealant and bracket bonding system.
- Unsurpassed bonding strength
- Enamel protective sealant
- Smooth, Tacky paste viscosity
- No mixing therefore gives unlimited working time
- Bonds to all metal, ceramic & Plastic Brackets
- Immediate arch wire placement
- Easy removal without damaging the enamel
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